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Introduction to the Soul Ninja's

Writer's picture: Gerald GoldGerald Gold

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

As most of us know, the ninja attack swift and silently. Normally under the cover of darkness. Most of their victims fall before they are aware of the ninja's presence. One of the greatest weapons of this Soul Ninja is his poisonous attacks. The traditional ninja that we see in movies, books, and cartoon practice some from of ninjutsu. The Soul Ninja practice sin-jutsu. One could actually call them Sin-ja. There are many different tribes of these ninja. Today we will do our best to discuss one of the deadliest of tribes. This tribe is very well known, but the effects of their poison often go unnoticed by those infected. And is very hard to treat just as all of their poisons. To the reader, you may find that you may have been poisoned and may still be suffering from it's effects. As the writer, I can see that even as I write, there are some residual effects of this poison in me.

Grab your tea, water, coffee or favorite beverage and a comfy seat. Let's take a journey to the lair of these Ninja (Sinja). We anchor this telling with a passage of scripture from Philipians 2:1-8

1. Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy,

2 fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.

4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,

6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,

7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

This, we will reference during this discussion. There are many conclusions that can be drawn, however, my focus will be clear in a moment.

So the Soul Ninja are made of several tribes. The tribe that we are going to focus on now is called the tribe of PRIDE. And as before mentioned, one of the deadliest. This tribe is responsible for many and most of the attrocities that plague mankind even before man entered the garden. This tribe has attacked even the very elect.

The first clan of this tribe is Clan Superiority. This clan attacks swiftly and the poison used by them often leaves the victim feeling pleasant or even satisfied at first. At its onset, it does more damage to those around the victim and can even spread the infection. Here are some signs of this type of infection:

The Pride of Superiority

Those suffering from this poison almost always feel that they are the smartest person in the room. Even more so, if they are well educated. They feel as if everything around them is made better by their presence.

They don't like to be corrected and often get offensive when they are. They rarely admit when they are wrong and when the do, it is always someone or something else's fault that they are wrong.

They frequently correct and/or criticize other's actions, or speach. Even to the point of finishing their senteces because "I know what you are going to say". They are quick to give advice and are very slow to take it.

They can are very quick to dismantle or tear down the character of a leader because they beleive that can do a better job unless the boss thinks the way they want them too. They submit to authority grudgingly.

They try and make everyone around them over in their image. "Why am I the only one that knows how to get it right?" If it's not done their way, they fight to make it so. They try and even change spouses and children into the persons that they want them to be.

They don't like to be corrected even when they are wrong. "I already knew that". Often, when the behavior is brought to their attention, they defend their actions as just. And they tend to argue with the one that confronts them with attitude.

And lastly, when they read or hear these very symptoms, someone else comes to their mind. They are quick to suggest that others around them are the ones that are poisoned with the pride of superiority because "That's defintely not me, I am a very humble person".

These symptoms vary in degree of severity, however, most are exhibited in our illustration.

The treatment for this poison has to be administered through the Holy Spirit. The syringe is normally a believer using the word. There are many scriptures that address this particular type of pride, however, we will go back to our anchor scripture and reference Phil 2:3-4. We are all flawed beings, or the bible is a lie. We need to see and accept the gifts that everyone has and to understand that our way is not the only way. Jesus is. Instead of making people over, let's learn to help them to become the best versions of themselves according to scripture by the power of the Holy Spirit. We should be conscious of others and their weaknesses and use our strengths to build them up. At the same time, we need to realize that we too are weak and we cannot grow until we can humble ourselves.

We will also identify another clan. This clan like the others in the Pride tribe is also deadly and is found largely and almost exclusively in church circles. This clan is Religiousity. and here are the symptoms of their poisons.

The Pride of Religiousity

This clan in the United States is also referred to as leaglism, or "holier than though". This poison makes it's victims think that they are super Christians that have it all figured out. The only part of the body that they see is the one that they are in.

This poison is especially dangerous because it causes division in the church.

It's victims believe that if you don't sing, speak, worship, dress, etc.. according to their tradition, then you aren't saved.

It also causes them to feel as if they are superior to those who have been in the faith for less time than they. They equate physical age to spiritual maturity. This causes them to ignore truth from the gospel from one that is younger than they.

Those infected also seek and cling to titles and power. They feel as if they always have to have something "religious" to say when they have the chance even when they don't know what the conversation is about.

They tend to boast about spiritual gifts and callings as a testiment to their moral superiority.

They also tend to boast about how "sinless" or how generous they are.

"I gave $200 in service today".

When confronted, they often belittle or point out some sin in everyone else as a defense mechanism that makes them seem more "holy". They often compare their righteousness to others as a guage of how great christian they are.

Those infected also tend to look down on the unsaved (or those that the deem unsaved) and act as if they are the ones that will save them.

They are quick to condemn and will not take correction even if from scripture from those they believe are morally lesser than they. "You can't tell me, I have been walking with the Lord since I was a child", or "I have been faithfully serving the Lord longer than you have". or "I am a bishop, pastor, apostle, etc... I know the word".

These infected also have the symptom of not wanting to admit when they are wrong. In this case, they are more apt to do so when it is to someone that they consider morally equal or better. When the apologize, it is often impersonal or a blanket statement. "If I have done anything to offend anyone, I am sorry." or "If I have done anything to offend you, I apologize." Even when they have full knowledge of their offense and who they wronged.

These are also those who will give an amen even when the shoe fits them and they will find a way to justify their actions when the get alone. Unless they are arrested by the power of the Holy Ghost, they will continue to justify their actions, even twisting scriptures to cover their hypocracy.

For this, we refer to Phil 2:5-8. Jesus stepped out of eternity into time never denying His deity or being equal to God and God Himself. Yet, He put on human flesh and dwelt among us in the muck and the dirt. He allowed us, the filth to put hands on him and mock him. He had a right to brag and to flaunt His holiness and purity. He had a right to use His title to belittle everyone else or to exalt Himself. Yet, He didn't and even let us put Him on that cross just so He could in turn, clean us up and redeem us through His blood and claim us through His ressurection. If God, who had the right to brag, came humble, who the heck are we? If He suffered and died at the filthy hands of those He came so save, why are we so privileged that we lord over them. This poison causes those who are unsaved/unchurched to run away for fear of condemnation. They are often given the feeling that they don't measure up and are not worthy. When they need to see that none of us are worthy.

We are going to cover one last clan in the Soul Ninja tribe of Pride (although there are others). This clan is about as famous as the Religiousity clan. This is the clan of Conceit.

The Pride Conceit

This clan has had a major resurgence in recent and current times. Their poison weapons are being used in various walks of life and lifestyles in the world today. There is not much to say about those infected with this poison except that they feel that they are God's gift to everyone.

These victims cannot stand to look bad in public. They will even go as far as to lie to make themselves look good. Every decision they make is right in their eyes. And like the poison from the superiority clan, they rarely admit fault. If they do, they never except sole responsibility. "I forgot to check the stove because someone asked me a question before I left." "I missed my target because someone was looking at me."

They are often flashy with money and material possesions. Even if they are lacking in their responsibilities, they have to make sure that they always give a good appreance. The like to look good even if they aren't doing good. They have to compete with other's to have the best material things. In churches, they have to have the best equipment, better suits, a bigger congregation. They believe themselves the best in a given field that will give them status our clout. They believe that they are almost never wrong. If they are, they don't tend to admit that in public because they want to maintain their image.

These victims, like the rest of those that suffer from the poisons of the pride tribe, often resist those that try and help them or point out the affliction. Even reading this, they would justify their actions or even identify someone else, not themselves, as a victim of this. Ironically, they themselves exhibit what is called a victim mentality. "If I had been given the opportunity that so and so was, I would be better than them." "The only reason why I am like this is because no one told me anything better." "The only reason I can't seem to do right is because I wasn't taught that." For this, we will also reference Phil 2:1-3. As well as another scripture that really sums it up.

Ezekiel 18:1-4

1 The word of the Lord came to me again, saying,

2 “What do you mean when you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying:

‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children’s teeth are set on edge’?

3 “As I live,” says the Lord God, “you shall no longer use this proverb in Israel.

4 “Behold, all souls are Mine; The soul of the father As well as the soul of the son is Mine; The soul who sins shall die.

The proverb meant basically that we are a product of the system. We are this way because our fathers were this way. It's not our fault that we are in sin, we learned that from our fathers. And God is saying that there is no excuse for your faults. Sometimes we can blame circumstances on the previous generations or on other people. But we cannot blame our actions or attitude on anyone but ourselves. We need to see that we are no better that anyone else. We are called to be affectionate to one another and to be of one mind. And that being the mind of Christ.

These are but a few of the Soul Ninja clans of the tribe for Pride. These symptoms as stated before can vary in degree. However, they exist and the lack of humility perpetuates the effect of these poisons. I challenge the reader to honestly and prayerfully search themselves without making excuses and without blaming anyone else. Do so in light of the scripture and we may find that we have been poisoned by the Pride tribe. As long as we have flesh, this tribe will never stop it's attack. They are subtle, so we must always be vigilant as the word says. And we must die daily to ourselves.

"Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." Luke 9:23

This is by no means an exhaustive list or explanation, this was to spark our awaress of the enemy that lurks in the shadows of our lives.

Next week, we will discuss the next tribe of the Soul Ninja (Sinja) by clan. See you next Saturday as the Lord wills. God bless you and sustain you. Until then and forevermore, Let God be exalted.

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we are going to talk about a real assassin that attacks our very souls. The souls of men, yes, even godly men.

1 Comment

Sep 22, 2020

WOW! Spot on brother! This tribe of Pride and it's clans are dangerous. We all fall for it once in a while (as men), however the Word rebukes and teaches us to " ninjitsu" back into place. See you next week.

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